Thursday, 3 March 2022

John Labunski Best Investment Advice

 Discipline is fundamental in all aspects of life, isn't it? Especially when it comes to saving money. Whether for the future of your children, to pay for college, buy a property or to enjoy old age with more comfort, you need to plan your financial future.

 But just planning is no use, you have to execute! And to execute it takes discipline, right? So that's why we decided, today, to list 7 tips here so that you have the necessary discipline to save some money. So let's go?

 Make a control

 It can be a spreadsheet, financial management software or even a notebook: what matters is that you keep your expenses well written down and always in sight, so you know exactly how much you need to live and how much you can save. Feed this control daily so you don't lose sight of a single penny.

 7 tips to be disciplined and save money

Divide everything into percentages

 If you have a fixed salary, it is much easier to project your cash flow and thus control expenses. Divide your salary into percentages, such as 30% for household expenses, another 30% for car and mortgage expenses, 20% for a long-term investment, and another 20% for personal expenses. At first it can be difficult to get used to the control, but it's only a matter of time before everything becomes routine.

 Underestimate your earnings

 If your income is variable, the revenue forecast is a little more complex, so it's important that you don't count on what you possibly won't earn. Average the gains from the last gains, considering both high and low movement periods. Consider the average as if it were your monthly income and plan on top of that amount. Everything that exceeds this average can be directed to a medium or long-term investment, for example.

 Exterminate the debts

 If you have high credit card bills, outstanding installments and some financing, try to exterminate everything at once. Use savings money to pay off debts that are generating interest, as the savings correction will always be lower. After that, try to forget that credit cards exist, stop making installments and only buy in cash. If you don't have the money on hand for the investment in question, wait!

 Make spending difficult

 When you leave the house with your bank card in your pocket, the feeling is that there is money left over, and the temptation can end up winning. But if you set yourself a weekly budget and keep the money in your wallet, the awareness that you are overspending is greater. So the card stays at home, in case of emergencies, and the money goes into the pocket.

 Make long term investments

 Savings is the most sought after investment by United State, but it is also the first to be used when the situation is tight. Being so easy to withdraw money from savings, it is difficult to discipline yourself not to use it in a need. So make long-term investments that cannot be withdrawn so easily. That way you protect both your investment and your future.

 Talk to an expert

If saving money is really a problem for you, maybe it's time to talk to a personal finance specialist , who can help you eliminate debts and superfluous expenses, building an effective financial plan for you to achieve your goals.

 So, ready to start saving money with discipline? Do you have any tips to give and enrich our list? Comment here and share your suggestions with us!



Posted by: John Labunski

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