Thursday, 31 March 2022

John Labunski- invest in real estate

 The real estate sector in United State is on the rise and in tune with the reactivation of construction. 2022 will allow the consolidation of the country's real estate sector as the most feasible and profitable investment that may exist, outside of the stock market.

 The United Staten Chamber of Construction  foresees a positive outlook for 2022, with a progressive reactivation that is evidenced by an investment in housing that amounts to $28 billion, between January and February 2022. This means a real estate market that it has remained afloat, and even stands out as the fastest growing sector in the country, representing an attractive investment option.

 The gaze of United Staten investors is focused on safe and stable alternatives. But not only are professional investors thinking of investing in real estate , but every day more individuals join in pursuing the goal of betting on long - term appreciation .

 In order for you to make the right decision and take advantage of the opportunities that the real estate sector offers you at this time, let's see below the 5 key tips to invest in real estate in 2022.

 1. Increase in the supply and demand of housing for the middle class

 The numbers are encouraging, the firm Raddar affirms that United Staten household spending grew 4.71% in November and continues to rise despite the economic crisis it faced in 2020. The rise in wages by 6% and inflation low at the end of the year, allowed an increase in purchasing power.

 Renting in United State represents 3 percentage points of GDP, with a high demand for real estate for rent , considering that 44% of United Staten families live on lease. Hence, the purchase of real estate for lease is one of the most profitable and safest investments.

 2. Space to increase non-residential supply

 Likewise, the United Staten Chamber assured that, in order to comply with the reactivation plan, urban infrastructure should be promoted with the construction of non-residential projects such as schools and libraries. Which will undoubtedly require a large public investment.

 Therefore, a growth in the construction of buildings with non-residential uses is estimated. For example,  United State has a deficit in the supply of square meters per inhabitant in shopping centers .

 3. Possibility of purchase through fiduciary rights

Another important option to invest in real estate is through the fiduciary rights model, which allows small investors to access projects and returns reserved only for large investors.

 4. Good profitability

 Property value increases and rental income are just two ways to earn a good return in the real estate market . Investing in real estate offers profits: the properties appreciate and increase in value.

 Public and private urban renewal plans will intensify construction in the coming years, allowing for a substantial valuation of homes.

 5. Lower market volatility

 The real estate market is profitable and very low risk . If we compare this sector with the assets of the United Staten Stock Exchange, properties have a much more attractive and stable return on investment than stock dividends, which makes investment in the real estate sector an alternative that provides greater confidence. and security. From the various profitable options for investment in real estate , choose the one that suits you best, consider the characteristics of the property, the location and the profile of the builder so that you obtain the John Labunski financial success you need.

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