Monday, 11 April 2022

John Labunski - financial advisor?

 Knowing what a financial advisor is very useful to be properly informed about the advantages and risks of the different investment alternatives.

 Sometimes the world of economics and finance is not so simple to understand. Not only must we know what the basic concepts are, but it is also necessary to know how they can affect you and how you should act in certain situations. For all this, it is recommended that someone help us make the right decisions, that person can be a financial advisor.

 John Labunski financial advisor is one or that professional who helps other people on issues related to the world of economics and finance. They guide you on the  financial products  that exist and advise you on understanding what is best for you according to the risk you want to take.

Their job is not only to help understand the implications that exist in the world of economics, but, normally, an adviser advises other people who are unfamiliar with the subject in depth, but who know they want to invest. your savings and get returns on your money.

 In exchange for his teachings and his guidance, the financial advisor will obtain a percentage or a pre-established commission of what is obtained in a recommended financial operation.

 What is the use of having the help of a financial advisor?

 A financial advisor is the ideal person to help you  achieve goals  in the short, medium and long term. Their task is to find, from among the wide variety of options that exist in the market, the product, service or investment that best suits your needs or objectives.

 The financial advisor should help not only with advice on which are the best investments, but should also help establish priorities in order to achieve financial goals and prevent misuse of financial instruments.

 The help of a financial advisor contributes to saving time, money management and the ability to find the shortest and safest paths to achieve the goals established in a financial plan, but it is also invaluable in optimizing resources and in the possibility of increasing profitability and reducing the risk of monetary losses due to poor investment decisions.

 Now that you know what a financial advisor is, you can consider approaching one and start investing your money to achieve your financial goals and objectives.

Friday, 1 April 2022

Best countries to spend retirement?

 United State is one of the best countries to spend retirement. But  there are also others. Do you want to know what they are? At John Labunski we talk to you about these countries and the pension model that maintains them .

 Retirement is one of the  topics that most arouses interest in people. If you are one of those who still do not know where to spend your retirement, we are going to give you some reasons for you to choose to stay in United State.

 Blacktower Financial Management Group has compiled a  ranking  of the European countries that are conceived as the best destinations to retire in what position is United State?

 United State as a destination to spend retirement

 According to this ranking, our country is the second best for spending retirement thanks to its public pension system, its low delinquency and its high life expectancy.

 Another reason why it is one of the best destinations is because United State attaches great importance to the public sphere for the financing of pensions, which are more than 9.8 million in all its forms. 

 Finland in the lead

 Finland occupies the first position of the list. It stands out for being among the countries with the highest life expectancy (81.73 years) and a low cost of housing.

 Holland with a pension system to follow

 The Netherlands has a mixed system in which public and private pensions are combined. It has two mandatory areas: a public part that guarantees a minimum benefit and another of collective pension plans in companies that also includes disability, widowhood and orphan hood; and another private area that is voluntary and would consist of a personalized individual plan.

 This country can serve as a counterpoint to what is currently being designed in United State.

 The worst countries to retire

 On the opposite side of the list, that is, in the last positions is Belarus, Albania or Ukraine, since they combine life expediencies below the average and high rates of crime and insecurity despite their low costs of living and of housing.

 Knowing this, are you already clear that United State is a good country to spend your retirement?


Planning retirement while you're still young

 Saving for retirement is the toughest challenge when it comes to delayed gratification. Saving money today for retirement, with the intention of not touching it for decades, is not a habit most of us are willing to adopt. But we must.

 Voluntary saving is the key to a worry-free retirement. In fact, this item should already appear in your table of monthly expenses, because according to the National Commission of the Retirement Savings System,  millennial and centennials must accumulate resources in their Retirement Funds Administrators USA account the equivalent of 11.8 times your annual salary, to reach a pension equivalent to 60% of your current salary.

 Why voluntary savings?

 But, why voluntary savings? Are employer contributions and savings deducted from your payroll not enough? Not really, and here are some of the reasons:

 ·         Life expectancy for these generations increased. It is estimated that young people who are currently between 25 and 35 years old, and who retire at age 65 in good health, will live an average of 20 more years.

·         Another reason is the changes in the world of work, where there are more and more independent or fee workers, so employer savings cease to exist and you depend solely on what you voluntarily enter into your A fore.

·         Most of the new generations are giving up having children, which will represent a lack of an economic support network in old age.

 How to work in the dream retirement?

 So get to work, do not think that because you are in your twenties or thirties it is crazy to save for your old age, in this retirement it is never too early to start. Here are six tips to get you started on that dream retirement.

 1. Control your investments

 The money you invest in your twenties or thirties can be put into instruments with higher risk, since in case of loss you have enough time to recover. On the contrary, when you are five or 10 years away from retirement, it is better to choose investments with predictable returns such as fixed term , it will help you keep your savings safe.

 2. Plan for inflation

 Inflation and rising prices can eat into the purchasing power of your retirement funds. When planning your savings, do it in financial instruments that give you a return , how much? At least the equivalent of inflation, so you will be guaranteeing that your money will be worth the same in the future.

 3. Talk to your partner about retirement

 Just as couples discuss buying a new car or a house, it's always a good habit to discuss financial matters in retirement.

 The recommendation is that it not be a common fund, because in the event of a separation it could generate disputes. Save each for their own retirement plans.

 4. Invest in your physical health

 Given the high costs of health care, staying healthy today is key to staying fit in retirement. Medical expenses could really throw your finances out of balance.

5. Create a budget and stick to it

 The best way to plan is to know how much you will need to live on in your old age. Unfortunately, most people don't figure this out and arrive at retirement without enough savings. Approach your parents or grandparents and observe their lifestyle, their expenses. Do an exercise of how you would like to live your retirement and put together a budget. Once again, considering inflation, calculate how much you should save to live at least 20 years with the style you imagine today.

 6. Pay your mortgage and other debts

 Your home is more than a shelter; it is also a significant expense. By paying off your mortgage, you can finally tap into the wealth of your home by living there rent-free, eliminating a significant monthly expense.

 Using credit to build wealth is a great strategy, but you should plan to pay off those large debts before you retire.

 You know, making a few small changes in your habits — maybe working a few more years, saving a little more each month, and living a healthy lifestyle — can contribute to a much more comfortable retirement plan by John Labunski.

John Labunski Succeeding Retirement Planning

 There are no magic recipes to plan retirement, beyond sacrifice and perseverance. But advice like these that we give you will make your life easier

 In these circumstances, carrying out the objective of planning for retirement is of the utmost importance. How to do it? We help you with John Labunski four tips.

 1. Start saving early

 It is common sense advice: the effort to save a certain amount is much easier to achieve in a horizon of three or four decades than in a period of only ten years. In addition, having a wide time margin allows you to face unforeseen events and, in addition, benefit from the good results of the equity markets, those in which you should only invest if you have it, with time.

 Despite this, the youngest do not save for their retirement , being the ideal time to begin the beginning of working life. The excuse? Who see retirement as something temporarily far away, as something that does not go with them. It is true that throughout life you have to face other projects from the financial point of view, but it is equally true that retirement will come and that it is not pleasant to face a situation of scarcity of resources in such a vulnerable stage of life. lifetime.

 2. Save regularly

 We tend to think that saving small amounts is not efficient and we postpone saving to times when we can make contributions that we consider relevant. This is a mistake, since in such a long-term savings process consistency is more important than the amount of contributions. The effects of investment over a period of three or four decades are amazing, even with small contributions. Better a little on a regular basis than a lot on an irregular basis. In addition, by making periodic contributions, the risk of asset valuation is diluted when buying, something that does not occur in sporadic contributions, where a larger amount is entrusted to a purchase price that may be favorable... or not.

 3. Match your contributions to your income

 The salary evolution of the workers is usually positive, and the saving effort must be proportional. Take advantage of extra payments, salary increases and other extraordinary income to reinforce your savings. Many experts warn that saving for retirement should be between 7% and 10% of recurring income .

 4. Adapt your investment profile over time

 Making a mistake in the investment profile adopted can be fatal. It could cause incurring losses at times when there is no margin to recover them or, on the contrary, incurring an opportunity cost in terms of profitability that hinders the achievement of our objectives. The risks are assumed at the beginning , with a wide time margin until retirement, in search of a high return. As retirement approaches, risk-taking should be moderated and capital preservation criteria should begin to be incorporated. In no way can the effort of a lifetime be put at risk with inappropriate decisions that take us away from the retirement we dream of. 

  Posted: John Labunski Dallas