Friday, 1 April 2022

Best countries to spend retirement?

 United State is one of the best countries to spend retirement. But  there are also others. Do you want to know what they are? At John Labunski we talk to you about these countries and the pension model that maintains them .

 Retirement is one of the  topics that most arouses interest in people. If you are one of those who still do not know where to spend your retirement, we are going to give you some reasons for you to choose to stay in United State.

 Blacktower Financial Management Group has compiled a  ranking  of the European countries that are conceived as the best destinations to retire in what position is United State?

 United State as a destination to spend retirement

 According to this ranking, our country is the second best for spending retirement thanks to its public pension system, its low delinquency and its high life expectancy.

 Another reason why it is one of the best destinations is because United State attaches great importance to the public sphere for the financing of pensions, which are more than 9.8 million in all its forms. 

 Finland in the lead

 Finland occupies the first position of the list. It stands out for being among the countries with the highest life expectancy (81.73 years) and a low cost of housing.

 Holland with a pension system to follow

 The Netherlands has a mixed system in which public and private pensions are combined. It has two mandatory areas: a public part that guarantees a minimum benefit and another of collective pension plans in companies that also includes disability, widowhood and orphan hood; and another private area that is voluntary and would consist of a personalized individual plan.

 This country can serve as a counterpoint to what is currently being designed in United State.

 The worst countries to retire

 On the opposite side of the list, that is, in the last positions is Belarus, Albania or Ukraine, since they combine life expediencies below the average and high rates of crime and insecurity despite their low costs of living and of housing.

 Knowing this, are you already clear that United State is a good country to spend your retirement?


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