John Labunski knows that sometimes it seems hard to find that extra money to invest in your future. Many people believe that you need a large sum of money to buy a portfolio, but nothing is further from the truth. Actually with just 1,000, a new investor can build a diversified IRA portfolio. There are a few online advisement companies that will help you invest the money and not charge anything until you reach $10,000.
For those who feel a little more adventurous, lean into the risky market place. Investing a small amount of money in an area that has been beaten up could prove profitable. Funds that hold small “value” companies are down 7.7% over last year. This allows for an investor to earn a nice return on little investment.
Another way to earn a bit on your dollar is to pick one company to invest in, although it may be hard to find the right one. Companies such as Google, CVS and other brand names that are making strategic changes could offer an investor a profit later down the road.
John Labunski works closely with investors to help them make smart choices. Over the years he has seen how many investment companies care more about their bottom line than the circumstances of their investors. He also has a radio show called Retirement Wealth Talk Radio and Wealth 911. Through his show he has helped many people with their investment portfolios.
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