Wednesday, 24 August 2022

John Labunski - Tips to prepare for retirement

 Do you want to enjoy retirement more and better? It's time to plan! we give you a series of practical tips so you can prepare for your retirement.

 Planning for retirement can seem like a tedious and complicated process, but if you prepare in advance, you can enjoy this long-awaited moment much more. 

 Here are some very simple tips to plan. Take note! 

 Think about your retired life

 What do you want to do? How do you want to live? These are simple but very important questions that you should ask yourself, because depending on the answer you will have to plan one way or another. Wanting to live in a new house on the beach as a retiree is not the same as continuing to live in your usual home. 

 Estimate your pension

 You must have a rough estimate of the amount of your future pension to start planning. Thus, you will know the savings necessary to complement your pension and maintain the standard of living you want.

 Know the requirements to retire

Even if there is a lack of time, it is good that you know all the requirements to retire in United State. The minimum age, the contribution period, affiliation to Social Security, etc.

 Start saving as soon as possible

 If you want to reach your goal in the future, it is best to start saving now. The most powerful tool you can count on to plan for your retirement is your own savings. 

 Don't touch your savings until retirement

After a lot of time and effort saving, you do not make the mistake of using the accumulated savings to fulfill other wishes or goals.


If you need additional income to that of public State pensions, take out an Individual Systematic Savings Plan or our Life Retirement Planning with John Labunski.


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