Thursday, 17 November 2022

Types of Investments in Real Estate

 There are many types of investment in real estate, and those who start researching the subject can end up getting lost amid so many options.

 With greater security, the sector is in good demand when it comes to diversifying its applications.

 If you are a beginner in this world and are willing to start with real estate investments, it is necessary, even so, that you delve a little deeper and know what types exist.

 You will certainly see and have to learn about the Interest Rate, CDB, Social Security, Quotas, among others. Check out:

 How to start investing in the real estate market and the types of investments?

 The real estate market is still fertile ground for applications. Considered by many to be one of the safest sectors to invest in.

 In this way, its sectors tend to grow, as the demand is very high.

 If you are not new to investments and have already worked with one of them, such as CDB, for example, you will not have many problems.

 In this article, we will highlight three interesting investment modalities that are available in this sector:

 Direct purchase and sale

 This is a more specific type of application for those with greater purchasing power.

 Thus, in practice, it is the purchase of a property for resale or rent.

 In this type of investment, it is possible to find interesting options, such as buying real estate directly from the plant.

 Usually the property under these conditions is acquired for a lower value and then appreciates, which gives an interesting return to the investor.

 Real Estate Credit Title

 These are fixed-income securities issued by finance companies and backed by credits from the real estate market.

 In these investment modalities, whoever buys the security acts as a kind of “creditor” for the financial institution, which later applies the investment by financing the acquisition or construction of other properties.

 One of the interesting factors of this type of investment is that the interest on the transaction is passed on to the security buyer.

 Let’s list three important titles of this modality that are present in the market:


 Real Estate Letters of Credit have the main function of financing companies in the real estate sector;


 With the Real Estate Receivables Certificate, the investor has the right to receive payment for loans made by companies in the real estate sector;


 The LHs, or Mortgage Bills, are a form of fixed income and are guaranteed by real estate mortgage credits.

 Investment in FIIs

Real Estate Investment Funds, or FIIs, are another very interesting form of investment, aimed mainly at groups of investors who come together to acquire a property together.

 A good option for anyone thinking of investing in the real estate market, but who doesn't have much purchasing power at first.

 Just acquire a share, through an account at any brokerage where you have a registered account.

 In real estate funds, there are two modalities that you need to know:

 Brick backgrounds

 Brick funds are funds that invest directly in real estate, such as hotels, luxury buildings, business buildings, among others;

 paper backgrounds

Paper funds, on the other hand, invest the shareholder's money in credit securities.

 Advantages of investing

 2020 continues to show an optimistic scenario for those who want to invest in real estate and multiply their assets.

 With many types of investments, this sector tends to grow more this year.

 Thus, this is a good choice for new and experienced investors.

 Liked? Want to know more John Labunski investment planning?



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