Thursday, 31 March 2022

John Labunski Investment Advice

 Do you have a retirement plan? Some people are weighed down by the knowledge that they won't be working anymore, while others can't wait to plan their retirement from work.

 In any of the cases, the reality is that when a person decides or has to retire, the mere fact of thinking if he will be able to maintain his quality of life is a great uncertainty.

 Hence the importance of starting to save from an early age, since only then will you have greater possibilities to plan your finances and invest the money that you have saved judiciously during your working life, in order to maintain a decent quality of life in the future. .

 What does Labor Retirement mean?

 At this point you may be wondering, what does retirement mean then?

 In general terms, this expression refers to the stage of life in which a professional or worker interrupts his career completely , to live on a monthly payment known as pension or retirement.

 Although retirement from work may be stipulated by the law of each country, in some cases, people plan when they are young when they want it to be their retirement.

 In this way, they can save the money they will need to live in the future or invest in some type of business that helps them maintain an excellent quality of life.

 Retirement from Work: A Stage That Must Be Built From a Young Age

 Most young people usually associate the word retirement with old age and feel that this is a term far removed from their reality.

 However, it is a key and necessary factor that each person, from the beginning of their working life, must consider.

 Knowing what retirement means and asking yourself why you should save from an early age is very important; since it can help you structure a pension plan that can offer you a dignified and worry-free old age. 

Working life usually lasts approximately 40 years, although this period can vary depending on each person.

 If you start saving from the first moment you start your working life, you will have 40 years to gather the necessary money so that, when you retire, you do not worry about stopping generating income.

 The Importance of Developing a Retirement Plan

 As in all aspects of life, planning is important, because having an idea of ​​what you will do at the end of your working life will not only prepare you for that moment, but will also make you feel more secure.

 This is because you will be clear about the resources you will have in your old age.

 However, if you decide not to develop a work retirement plan in your youth, but prefer to wait for "The right time", you will have to set aside a higher percentage of your income to have enough money at the time of retirement. John Labunski Investment Advice

 It is important to bear in mind that you are going to last at least 20 years of your life without working, so it will be key to have considerable money to make investments or to live without worries.

 Every year, month, week or day that passes is time going against you.

 Starting to save early and maintaining a long-term savings plan will not only help you speed up your retirement plan, but it will also give you the opportunity to learn how to create financial habits so that you can make better financial decisions.

 Making a retirement plan early is key

 The Role of Retirement Savings and Your Retirement Plan

 In order to make considerable savings from the first years of work, you need to take into account some principles:

 ·         Living with less money than you earn , this in order to avoid debt at all costs and have a much calmer life.

·         Save , not only through the pension and severance fund, but also establish personal savings, to be able to use the money in the retirement plan or even in activities that improve your quality of life.

·         Continuously analyze your consumption habits and adjust them when necessary.

 Retirement Plan: Why Is It Necessary to Develop an Investment Strategy?

 The fact of retiring does not mean that you will lie down in a bed to look at the ceiling. People who retire, in general, do not want to stop being productive; For this reason, they look for a way to invest to earn money in addition to their pension, safely.

 Determining the business or the market sector in which you would like to invest your money after retirement will be a key factor in the retirement plan, since in this way you will be able to guarantee a decent life for yourself and your loved ones.

 One of the most profitable and safest sectors to invest in is real estate projects.


 Although many may think that having a retirement plan is a long-term concern, the truth is that if you want to have a dignified and peaceful old age, it is important that you save over time , even from the first day of your working life.

 However, despite the fact that saving is the master key to a peaceful and prosperous future, if what you want is to rest and enjoy your life, investing money in profitable businesses or real estate is a fundamental option to increase your capital or generate cost effectiveness.

John Labunski - Planning your retirement

 Retirement is the period in which the worker ceases to be active and begins to enjoy a paid retirement without carrying out any work activity. Since World War II, many countries have developed a welfare state in which their citizens enjoy a retirement backed by public pensions. Currently, the demographic and economic crises are changing the retirement model as we know it. Therefore, it is important for workers to bear in mind that their public pension will not be guaranteed in the future, so they will have to save and invest if they want to maintain their standard of living once they retire.

 The main tips that can help you plan for retirement are the following:

 1. Prepare for the future. The first step is to become aware that public systems cannot guarantee the standard of living of retirees in the near future. To this we must add that life expectancy has grown in recent decades and the retirement period is becoming the longest stage of a person's life.

 2. Calculate how much money is needed in retirement. Knowing how much we need to maintain our standard of living in retirement is essential to be able to plan it. Making an estimate of the economic needs and the unforeseen events that may arise during retirement will help us to have a good plan that guarantees us a certain standard of living.

 3. Calculate how much money we could get with the public pension. The first exercise on the source of income for retirement is to estimate how much the public pension could bring us. As an initial reference, we can consider how much we would receive as a pension if, hypothetically, we retired today, and met the requirements. Thus, in principle, we would know how much we would charge if the current situation were maintained. Then, we would have to estimate a negative scenario where hypothetically we would not receive at least 50% of the pension that we have estimated. In this way we will know what amount of pension we could receive in the future in an adverse scenario.

 4. Look for alternatives to the public pension. The evolution of the public pension system does not guarantee that future workers will have a good standard of living in the future, when they retire. For this reason, within retirement planning it is necessary to look for income alternatives to the public pension. The first step is to identify what could be the sources of income in the retirement period apart from the public pension.

 5. Know the different alternatives and calculate how much income they can contribute. Investing in real estate to obtain rental income is an option with a view to enjoying different sources of income in retirement. The rental of homes, parking spaces, offices and commercial premises can generate higher returns than what savings deposits in banks currently provide. Other ways to save are pension plans. These are a widely used savings and planning vehicle for two reasons: first, because they help you save for retirement on a regular basis; second, because they present fiscal advantages by deferring the payment of taxes. Some large companies offer collective private pension systems; this represents an important supplementary income source. Investing in mutual funds, in the stock market,

 6. Don't forget insurance. Insurance is one of the fastest growing retirement savings tools. Its security, profitability and flexibility are attracting future retirees. In insurance we can find different types, such as insured pension plans, individual systematic savings plans or savings and income insurance.



Posted: John Labunski

John Labunski Dallas financial planning:

 Financial planning is defined as the process that, through careful analysis, leads a person to analyze their needs, including those of their family, and their life expectancies in order to plan savings and consumption for the various economic dimensions of the person: provision for retirement, risk for various activities, investment or indebtedness, for example for the home or the education of children.

To obtain the maximum benefits from financial planning, it is advisable to rely on certified professionals able to interpret the various requests, identify expectations and educate each client to correct economic management, given that financial planning can be defined as "a suit sewn on measure ”as there is no one-size-fits-all strategy, but everyone has different needs, expectations and a different propensity for risk.

Having a clear investment strategy and minimizing the stress associated with financial investments is one of the main objectives of the professional to protect the client from risks that threaten assets.

John Labunski financial planning, all customers needs find an answer, starting from liquidity management, planning a future goal and then arriving at the creation of a pension fund, aimed at bridging the so-called Pension GAP that will weigh on our future pension.

Relying on a financial advisor means choosing a professional who studies and constantly updates himself to make the life of his clients easier, an aspect to which more and more attention is paid both to protect assets and to ensure a better future.

John Labunski- invest in real estate

 The real estate sector in United State is on the rise and in tune with the reactivation of construction. 2022 will allow the consolidation of the country's real estate sector as the most feasible and profitable investment that may exist, outside of the stock market.

 The United Staten Chamber of Construction  foresees a positive outlook for 2022, with a progressive reactivation that is evidenced by an investment in housing that amounts to $28 billion, between January and February 2022. This means a real estate market that it has remained afloat, and even stands out as the fastest growing sector in the country, representing an attractive investment option.

 The gaze of United Staten investors is focused on safe and stable alternatives. But not only are professional investors thinking of investing in real estate , but every day more individuals join in pursuing the goal of betting on long - term appreciation .

 In order for you to make the right decision and take advantage of the opportunities that the real estate sector offers you at this time, let's see below the 5 key tips to invest in real estate in 2022.

 1. Increase in the supply and demand of housing for the middle class

 The numbers are encouraging, the firm Raddar affirms that United Staten household spending grew 4.71% in November and continues to rise despite the economic crisis it faced in 2020. The rise in wages by 6% and inflation low at the end of the year, allowed an increase in purchasing power.

 Renting in United State represents 3 percentage points of GDP, with a high demand for real estate for rent , considering that 44% of United Staten families live on lease. Hence, the purchase of real estate for lease is one of the most profitable and safest investments.

 2. Space to increase non-residential supply

 Likewise, the United Staten Chamber assured that, in order to comply with the reactivation plan, urban infrastructure should be promoted with the construction of non-residential projects such as schools and libraries. Which will undoubtedly require a large public investment.

 Therefore, a growth in the construction of buildings with non-residential uses is estimated. For example,  United State has a deficit in the supply of square meters per inhabitant in shopping centers .

 3. Possibility of purchase through fiduciary rights

Another important option to invest in real estate is through the fiduciary rights model, which allows small investors to access projects and returns reserved only for large investors.

 4. Good profitability

 Property value increases and rental income are just two ways to earn a good return in the real estate market . Investing in real estate offers profits: the properties appreciate and increase in value.

 Public and private urban renewal plans will intensify construction in the coming years, allowing for a substantial valuation of homes.

 5. Lower market volatility

 The real estate market is profitable and very low risk . If we compare this sector with the assets of the United Staten Stock Exchange, properties have a much more attractive and stable return on investment than stock dividends, which makes investment in the real estate sector an alternative that provides greater confidence. and security. From the various profitable options for investment in real estate , choose the one that suits you best, consider the characteristics of the property, the location and the profile of the builder so that you obtain the John Labunski financial success you need.

John Labunski - Potect your savings in wartime

 The war in Ukraine has sunk markets, and these developments will have a lasting impact on the investment landscape. For this reason, you need to protect your savings.

 Here's what the most likely scenario is, and how to protect your investments.

 First in the short term, the prospect of rising energy and agricultural commodity prices could cause additional stagflation risks for economies around the world.

 The first rule in this case is definitely: "Do not panic, do not divest" .

 In fact, one must never let oneself be guided by emotionality.

 Divesting during market turmoil is a surefire way to crystallize losses. This can also cause a slowdown in the recovery which is actually the most important part of any economic downturn.

 In fact, in the last 20 years, after every sharp decline, including that dictated by Covid-19, the markets have recovered rapidly.

 Obviously, however, past performance is no guarantee of future returns and we cannot be sure of a timely recovery, despite historical precedents. Regardless, the best course of action is not to change investments, maintain confidence and wait for a recovery to give your portfolio the best growth potential.

 What seems certain is that a continuation of volatility is to be expected .

 How to beat volatility:

 Indeed, this is a key feature of markets in the early or early stages of a conflict and is due to the uncertainty of the political and economic climate that precedes the explosion.

 An excellent approach to beat volatility and to optimize the good that the different markets have over time is an adequate diversification of the instruments used.

 Portfolio diversification allows you to protect your capital as much as possible, to maximize growth in relation to the risks to which it is exposed. Click here to learn more.

 Analyzing investments, according to John Labunski, ​​safe havens (US equities, Japan, Swiss market, Health Care, Consumer Staples) and those sensitive to oil (UK, energy sector) should outperform, while cyclical sectors and Europe ex- UK should face a more complicated period.

 As regards monetary policy, on the other hand, no major changes are expected in the medium term except for greater flexibility.

 Furthermore, the ECB will be concerned with preserving growth, and therefore decisions on rates could be deferred.

 In this context, it is crucial to remain selective and focus on high quality earnings with good visibility - asymmetric exposures via hedge funds and options strategies should help mitigate risk. Click here to learn more.

 What is happening in the world of finance?

The war acted as a catalyst, causing stocks to plummet, while safe-haven assets such as gold and silver rose.

 Is it worth buying gold even if it is on the rise, like right now?

 Yes. Because it creates peace of mind due to the overall balance of the portfolio. The important thing is not to overdo it and have a strategy based on diversification.

 Usually in these situations some more farsighted operator returns to buy and little by little the prices begin to rise, although probably not as quickly as it happened with Covid-19.

 What happens to the markets after a war?

 Unfortunately, conflicts represent a strong opportunity for financial growth, and in fact they are often implemented with this goal as well. Just think of the arms market. Or the subsequent need to rebuild infrastructure. This is demonstrated by the case of the United States, which came out of the Great Depression "thanks" to the Second World War. Because the moments of maximum pessimism are the best to buy.

 So how do I protect my savings? Recommended:

 ·         Maintain a diversified portfolio

·         Use commodities as a geopolitical cover

·         Positioning for the strength of the US dollar

·         Don't be guided by emotionality

·         Don't make hasty choices


 This type of decision must be made rationally otherwise the risk is to worsen the situation.

 If you think it's time to do an in-depth analysis of your situation to find the right solutions for your specific needs, ask for advice.

 As a  John Labunski Dallas Financial Advisor, I will help you analyze your situation with a personalized check-up.

John Labunski How to design the best retirement plan

 As little as we like to grow old, time takes its toll and does not pass in vain. Sooner or later, the time will come for all of us to retire. Fortunately, we still have time to design the best retirement plan for ourselves. Would you like to know how?

 One of the most common mistakes made by many Spaniards is that they overestimate what they will be able to do in the future with their public pension. Nothing and no one can guarantee us that public pensions as we know them today will continue to exist in the future.

 What if the system collapses and pensions are not enough to maintain our quality of life? Faced with an uncertain future and beyond our control, the best thing we can do is plan our retirement . In this article we will show you how to achieve it.

 The 5 stages of the best retirement plan

 A good retirement plan should have these five stages:

 1. Define your retirement goals

 Not everyone approaches retirement the same way. There are those who decide to retire to the town house to live in peace, others prefer to move to the beach, there are those who decide to enjoy retirement traveling the world... There are plans for all tastes.

 For this reason, the first step in designing a good retirement plan is to define the lifestyle that we want to have when we retire from the world of work. Once we have this clear, we can start doing numbers.

 2. Set a budget to achieve them

 With a well-defined goal in mind, we must get out the calculator and make forecasts. Actually, this stage boils down to honestly answering a simple question: when we retire, how much money will we need to maintain the lifestyle we dream of?

 3. Reduce your exposure to debt

 Especially when you are young, you should make an extra effort to reduce your exposure to debt. Keep in mind that the less load you carry in your backpack, the easier it will be for you to reach your financial goals after retirement.

 In an ideal scenario, you should reach retirement with no debt of any kind: no credit cards, no personal loans, no mortgages.

 4. Start saving as soon as possible

 Without savings there is no paradise. As you can imagine, this is the most important point and at the same time the most complicated of all. If you want to save a percentage of your salary every month, you must learn to live below your means, with a simple and frugal lifestyle.

 Believe us, there are no shortcuts or magic formulas beyond effort and sacrifice. The sooner you start saving, the easier it will be for you to accumulate the capital you need to maintain the lifestyle you want in the future.

 5. Invest

 Saving, without more, is not going to be enough, since inflation will make your money worth less and less. You need to invest your savings so that compound interest becomes your ally and helps you achieve your goals.

 Fortunately, today there is a huge range of financial products to choose from. In our opinion, you should focus only on those that have low commissions, are profitable and can be adapted to your current financial circumstances.

 This wide range, index investment funds, ETFs and pension plans seem to us to be the most interesting investment vehicles to reach retirement with guarantees.

 At John Labunski we can design the best retirement plan adapted to your goals and your financial situation. How? Very easy. It all starts with taking a small step: answering a short test . The rest, we take care of ourselves.


Friday, 25 March 2022

John Labunski Financial advisor hire company?

 A financial advisor organizes processes and analyzes business issues related to a company's financial transactions. It also evaluates indicators and accounts for cash flow information. From there, he must evaluate the company's investments and applications to define its future. That is, a financial advisor is the one who assists the company in financial matters.

 Without adequate financial control, companies may not have an exact idea of ​​their cash flow, and of possible overspending, which can lead them to serious crisis situations, and consequently, have to close their doors. However, many entrepreneurs, no matter how much knowledge they have of their market segment, and of their product or service specifically, do not have full mastery of their company's finances. This is where the importance of the work of the financial advisor in organizations comes in.

 Thus, despite representing additional expenses on the payroll , these professionals can be decisive in maintaining the financial stability of your business, in addition to allowing you to focus specifically on the operational part of your company. Want to know more about the role of a financial advisor in companies? What benefits can it bring to your business? That's what we're going to talk about in this article!

 What does a financial advisor do?

 The corporate financial advisor is the professional responsible for organizing all the processes that involve the financial transactions of companies, as well as their performance indicators. This professional must not only account for all the company 's cash flow information , but also know how to analyze and take stock of the impact that each transaction represents on the business budget.

 With the help of the financial advisor, companies have a more accurate idea of ​​which expenses are most significant in their cash, thus indicating possible budget cuts. These professionals also provide a more comprehensive view of the financial situation, in relation to profitability and other indicators.

 In addition to these aspects, financial consulting professionals can also carry out the process of setting the sale price of their products, negotiating debt payments, and assisting in the company's financial planning in general.

 Why hire a John Labunski financial advisor?

 Now that you already know about the role of this professional in companies, and the different functions that can be performed, we are going to show you some advantages for you to really consider hiring a financial advisor for your business:

 1. Feasibility study

 From the analysis of your company's cash, carried out by the financial advisor, it will be possible to identify whether or not there is a feasibility for the execution of new investment projects or the acquisition of new products for your stock.

 Thus, the financial advisor will identify whether your company is at the right time to carry out certain actions, without significantly compromising your budget.

 For this in-depth study, it is essential that you provide all the financial information of your business, including invoices. The financial advisor is responsible for evaluating all the risks that certain investments may generate for your company.

 2. Follow-up of actions

 In addition to calculating the possible risks of a particular business and planning the moments in which your company can make investments , the financial advisor also continues to assist your company during the execution of projects and investments, analyzing whether certain actions are bringing the expected financial return. So, if not, the consultant is of paramount importance for the elaboration of new financial strategies.

 3. Best value for money

 In addition to financial knowledge, consultants in general also have good market knowledge. This makes them find the best suppliers for your company, which have the best cost-effective products.

 The help of a financial advisor in this process can bring great savings to your company, as well as maintaining the quality of your products. The consultant will also know how to negotiate a good deal with his suppliers, always respecting the budget possibilities of his enterprise.

 4. Loans

 When resorting to bank loans , managers often have many doubts as to which is the best option among the numerous lines of credit available. A financial advisor will be essential in this decision making, analyzing the pros and cons of each option. So, not to put your company in a future debt situation.

 5. Aid to pay off debts

 If your company is going through a serious financial crisis, facing a series of debts, you must be thinking that hiring a financial advisor will make this scenario even worse. But the truth is that in this case, hiring this professional should be seen as an investment.

 The financial advisor will play a key role in the financial reorganization of your company. He will find the best solutions to pay off your debts, and at the same time create a plan so that your company does not have to live with this type of situation again. The consultant will create a culture of organization and strict financial control in your company. John Labunski - Tax Deferral Specialist - Estate Planning Team

 How to hire a good financial advisor?

 Now that you know the advantages that hiring this professional can bring to your company, you need to be aware of some aspects that can make all the difference when hiring the most qualified financial advisor possible. It is important that your consultant has an academic background in some area related to administration. It is also important that your consultant has expertise in financial management. And, of course, you already have a good experience with services provided to other companies, among other factors. Here are some tips to select the most suitable professional for your company:

 Ask for feedback from other companies

 When reviewing your potential financial advisor's resume, it's important to have conversations with companies that have received the services of that professional. Find out how the consultant was able to meet their needs. So, from that, analyze if he really has the profile to be your company's financial advisor.

 What is your company's need?

 There are financial advisors that focus their service on a broader management of the financial part of companies. However, some are more focused on projecting and making investments.

 There are still financial advisors specializing in taxation matters. These clarify and calculate all taxes that must be paid by companies. In addition to assisting in choosing the best tax regime.

 Therefore, if you want to hire a financial advisor for your company, you need to have a focus and really know the need and the desired consulting profile.

 Analyze the form of remuneration

 Financial advisors operating in the market usually present some variations with regard to their respective forms of payment. There are financial advisors who request the payment of fees according to the periods spent in consultations. While others receive commissions referring to investments and actions that will bring profit to the company.

 There is still the possibility of paying part for consultations and part for commissions. Therefore, the ideal is that you try to negotiate with professionals the best forms of payment, and that are in accordance with the possibilities of your company.

 Check job availability

 Financial advisory professionals often provide services to more than one company, as this activity is not yet regulated. This makes them not pay exclusive attention to your business.

 Keep this in mind according to the needs of your company, trying to identify if that professional really has the time available to serve you in a satisfactory way.

 Request a financial plan

 If you still haven't decided which professional to hire to be your company's financial advisor, a good tip is to ask potential candidates for a John Labunski Dallas financial plan.

 That is, make available the most varied information regarding the finances of your enterprise. And, from there, ask candidates to develop hypothetical plans for the growth of your company.

 After this process, analyze the viability and ambition of each one of them, and try to find a balance between these two factors in the elaborated plans. Requesting this hypothetical planning will bring an initial view of what these professionals have of your company, and how they see the possibilities for growth.

 How are these professionals working?

 In the same way that it is necessary to analyze the specialization and focus of financial consulting of each professional, it is also important to stay on top of the work methodology, which may vary according to different financial advisors. While some of them work autonomously and independently, others work with companies specializing in consulting.

 Important Link:

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John Labunski of Plano, Texas, is dedicated to helping his clients achieve all of their financial dreams to ensure a successful retirement.

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John Labunski is a financial services professional.

John Labunski Finance Expert,Tax Deferral Specialist Dallas

7 reasons to hire a John Labunski financial advisor

 In an increasingly competitive scenario, in which an entrepreneur is, every year, having more difficulties to maintain a business in solid and profitable growth , financial consulting emerges as a smart alternative to managing a company's finances.

 This advisory service deals with the financial management and administration of a business, a task that most managers do not master. By hiring a consultancy, the entrepreneur will be freer to make decisions inherent to his activity and manage his business with more peace of mind.

 Know now 7 good reasons for you to hire a financial consultancy for your business. Follow up!

 1. Best analysis of the financial sector

 The financial advisory service includes the participation of specialized and experienced professionals, who literally understand the subject, as they are used to working with this department in various types of companies.

 This can be a huge benefit, as they will be able to do critical analysis that employees , as well as the business owner, could possibly not be able to see.

 The financial consultancy can observe possible bottlenecks or errors in processes that can make the company lose money or delay its activities. In addition to identifying this type of problem, it can offer solutions so that they are definitively resolved.

2. Decrease the error rate in processes

 In the finance department, there can be errors that totally drain productivity, as well as generating costs for your business. Forgetting when certain invoices are due, failing to pay a supplier, etc., are some of the examples of errors that occur in the financial sphere.

 With a financial consultancy , this problem can be almost completely eliminated. First, because the professionals who provide this type of service know how to easily identify problems like this; second, by creating new procedures that cover all financial activities, from the receipt of a security to its payment.

 3. Optimization of internal processes

 After the critical analysis of some points within the financial management process , the consultancy in this area will be able to carry out the work to optimize the steps carried out within the department.

 For example, it can propose a new procedure for controlling accounts receivable, going much further than simply knowing when a certain invoice is due. It can establish a process for billing the customer in a way that does not violate any legal regulations.

 In addition, it will offer a new procedure for controlling suppliers and accounts payable, preventing invoices from expiring without actual payment, in addition to providing accurate data on the amounts of purchases and payments with certain partners.

 4. Increase in productivity

 Financial consulting will also serve to increase the productivity of the department that handles finance. They will be able to offer improvements in working conditions, redoing incorrect procedures or creating work processes that aim to increase the productivity of employees who already work in this sector.

 5. Risk reduction

 One of the company's departments that can generate the greatest number of risks is finance. That's because he handles the money that goes in and out of the company. A simple mistake can mean a huge risk, which can take the company years to recover.

 Financial advice will greatly reduce these risks. This is because it will be able to identify more accurately and, mainly, in advance, before they generate losses for the company.

 6. Specificity to deal with financial matters

 Corporate finance is not a very widespread subject in schools and higher education courses — except for a few more specific ones — therefore, it is not uncommon to find managers of companies of all sizes who do not have mastery over this type of subject.

 They carry out the financial management of their businesses based on what they learned managing personal finances or with old common sense concepts, noting the due date of expenses and receipt of income.

 They were not taught that the financial department of a business is the heart of the company, which needs projections, specific and detailed analyses, among other actions inherent to this sector.

 However, this is no demerit for those managers who do not know a company's financial management; after all, they have not been and do not need to be trained to understand everything about your company . For this, there are consulting services, such as financial, accounting , administrative and personnel.

 The consultancy in the area of ​​finance will focus entirely on the management of the money that comes in and out of your company, carrying out all the work with the maximum degree of detail and control, providing precious information that will serve for you, as a manager, to be able to something really important: running your business.

 7. Total focus on the company's main activity

 Taking the hook from the previous benefit, John Labunski financial consulting will provide the manager with full focus on the main activity of his company. By leaving financial matters in the hands of people who understand the subject, you will have more peace of mind to manage your company's core activity more effectively.

 That way, you won't have to spend hours of your day racking your brains trying to create methods to better manage the financial department of your business, adopting practices that, in many cases, do not lead to better management of the sector.

 Leave this work to those who really understand the subject. This will give you more time to dedicate yourself to your business. In addition, you will have peace of mind knowing that your company's financial matters are being managed with care and attention by qualified people.

 In this case, your interference in the finance department will only be to make decisions, choose solutions that were found by your consultancy and apply those that provide the greatest gain in productivity and profitability.

 Therefore, we can say that financial consulting will raise the level of financial management of your business and, in addition, will allow you to have more free time to take care of the specific issues of your company, which only the manager knows about.

John Labunski - Are you ready to open your business?

 Do you think you're ready to open your business? Check out our business plan and end this doubt once and for all!

 There are several individuals whose dream is to open their own business. Many pursue this objective, however, due to lack of previous studies, they end up encountering difficulties and, in some cases, closing their business.

 How can you prevent your venture from having the same outcome?

 It is essential for the security of your business that some preparatory studies are carried out before opening. An entrepreneur who opens a business already knowing the current situation in this market is more likely to succeed than someone who does not have such knowledge and is driven purely by willpower.

 One of the most interesting ways to obtain this prior knowledge is through the business plan.

 What is it?

 A Business Plan is a document that describes the objectives of a business and what steps must be taken to achieve these objectives. Thus, reducing the risks and uncertainties for the entrepreneur, company or investors.

 When choosing to carry out a business plan, the entrepreneur checks, first of all, the viability of his business. Whether it will generate a profit or not, or even if the planned location to open your business is conducive.

 What is it for?

 By structuring the Business Plan, it is possible to gather highly relevant information about the enterprise. How to know in depth its characteristics, conditions, future needs and, mainly, its potential and feasibility of implementation.

 In addition, this instrument allows the entrepreneur to prepare himself to properly manage his business, knowing the best way to serve his future customers.

 How is done?

 The preparation of a Business Plan is done together with the client, providing guidance in the search for information about the branch, the products and services offered. It also contributes to the management of the company as it establishes a study of possible suppliers, competitors, customers and strengths and weaknesses of the business.

 The plan is customized according to each client's business model. The planning also has pre-defined methods in relation to the stages of the project.

 Why do?

 In times of crisis and uncertainty, a business plan is a great way to reduce risks, as well as providing clear plans to follow to make your venture more favorable.

 Our service is completely customized to your business, and includes research, operational plans, John Labunski financial plans and also economic viability.

 Interested in opening something already knowing all this, made exclusively for you? Contact us!

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

What is the role of a financial market analyst?

Making financial decisions is a task that can be considered very difficult even if you already have some experience and understanding of economics. There are so many options and market variations that a wrong investment can cause great losses.

To prevent this from happening, the tip is to turn to a financial market analyst, a professional qualified to understand your finances and who is always very well informed about economic procedures, in addition to being able to indicate the best investment options for your profile. .

What is the role of a financial market analyst?

The main function of the financial market analyst is to provide technical support to the investor. It is based on analyzes of economic conditions in Brazil and the world, assesses future prospects and considers every detail of the types of investment in order to offer assertive projections.

In the stock exchange , all this knowledge is used to buy stocks at a fair price and compared to updated quotes. With knowledge of financial market and business perspectives, it is possible to get great buy and sell recommendations.

Main activities performed by the market analyst

Develop a strategic plan for the business areas

Research the financial market;

Analyze economic and financial factors;

Identify resource needs;

Review business plans;

Search behaviors;

Implement business activities;

Negotiate with customers;

Analyze customer demand;

Implementation of public relations and ombudsman actions;

Measure conflicts;

Coordinate business activities and relationships;

Monitor development goals and indicators;

Monitor the performance of the competition;

Advise management and organizational sectors;

Support in the strategic plan of the entire organization;

Prepare report;

Negotiate conditions and priorities;

Attend the internal audit;

Evaluate alternatives;

Create financial solutions.

With ample opportunities for action, the financial market analyst is a great facilitator of financial processes and a partner for the most profitable investments.

Posted by: John Labunski Dallas


How to develop a good strategy to achieve success in sales?

The sales sector is one of the fastest growing in the business world, attracting more and more new investors who dream of entering the job market and achieving the long-awaited financial independence.

However, even though this seems to be an easy and profitable market (since people need to buy things all the time), the sales sector is not as simple as it seems and many of the entrepreneurs who decide to follow in the sales field already start waiting. immediate financial return, which is not always the case.

In order to stabilize in the market, achieve a good number of sales and make money from it, you need to bet on riskier methods and strategies that differentiate your business from other competitors. As you may have already noticed, competition in the sales market grows every day and, therefore, looking for alternatives to always remain at the top is essential.

If you also want to enter this market and want to know how to succeed in sales, here are some strategy tips below:

Tips for successful sales

Know what will sell

The first thing you should know is what you are going to sell. To determine your products, do some research to know the options that already exist in the market. Also, check the purchase rates of these products, as there is no point in investing in things that consumers do not consume as often and hoping to achieve success.

Another tip is not to vary too much, that is, focus only on one product and sell only that product. When you open yourself up to more options, your investment has to be much larger, which doesn't always contribute to the profit.

Know your consumers

After establishing what type of product, you are going to sell, it is possible to profile your consumer, a very important step in achieving success in the world of sales. This is because you will only be able to sell if you know your customers and know what they want. You must therefore know what they are looking for in order to offer the right product, as this is how the purchase process takes place.

Invest In Innovation

As has been said, the sales market grows and rebuilds itself day after day. In this way, what is new today, tomorrow may already be outdated. Knowing this and understanding the importance of always updating yourself in the market is another secret to achieving success. That's because, if you always offer the same to your customers, you'll eventually fall behind your competitors.

Work With Goals

It is essential that you have financial goals and know where you want to go. That saying that “for those who don't know where they're going, anywhere will do” is very true and fits here. If you don't list your goals and go after them on a daily basis, you'll always be in the same place — which doesn't match the definitions of success you dream of achieving.

Posted by: John Labunski Dallas

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

John Labunski - Did you know that the consortium can be a retirement option?


Thinking about the future is necessary, after all, you have to plant now to reap later. Creating a fund or financial reserve that gives you economic peace of mind in retirement is what everyone wants.

The fact is that, even with the difficulties, it is necessary to save money. It is important to have financial discipline and carry out good investment strategies to expand your assets.

Many people, especially young people who are starting their professional careers, are finding the solution for their social security in the consortium. Understand why :

Benefits of the consortium for your retirement

  • Planning is the word that sums up the purpose of the consortium , after all, it is an ideal investment for those who want to acquire a good in the medium or long term.
  • The consortium does not require any down payment;
  • The installments are lower than a loan
  • It is profitable: the property consortium, for example, is among the most profitable on the market. The return on investment can reach up to 1.5% of the total value of the property;
  • Flexible: you can bid to be able to anticipate the consortium's contemplation and have the letter of credit released;
  • The credit in the consortium is corrected according to the criteria established in the contract. This happens so that, regardless of the date on which it is contemplated, your credit is always updated with the market value and you can acquire the good;
  • When purchasing real estate, you can use your FGTS to bid, amortize installments, complement the value of your letter of credit or even pay off your plan.

How to plan your future through the consortium

Build property for sale

You can buy land, build and sell the property ready. You can operate like a construction company, but spending less capital and getting all the profitability of the operation.

Buy more properties

You can acquire more than one share in the real estate consortium and gradually build a secure heritage.

Buy land

Several investors choose to acquire land in new neighborhoods, development sites, subdivisions or condominiums, as the appreciation tends to be high. Places in the process of urbanization are ideal for you to buy land and sell it later when there is appreciation.

Invest in real estate on the plant

In recent years, many people have bought properties off-plan paying only 20% to 30% of their value to resell them 1 or 2 years after the start of the works with huge gains.

Define the alternative that applies to your reality

You need to follow a coherent plan:

  • Define your objective: ask yourself: “where do I want to go?”;
  • Establish deadlines: “what are the deadlines for each objective set?”;
  • Know your budget: have a cost spreadsheet and know exactly how much of your budget you can make available to make this investment;
  • Save Now: It's never too late to start saving. The sooner you do it, the greater the chances of increasing your equity;
  • Measure the results: Every year, take a financial statement and see how your investments are performing as expected.

Interested and would you like to invest in consortia? Make a simulation on our website and choose the best option for you!

Posted By: John Labunski

John Labunski financial planning and saving money

 Building a financial plan that lasts forever is a challenge and regardless of your income. Planning is necessary, because in addition to having dreams and goals, unforeseen events happen and we are able to face them with much more tranquility when financially prepared. Those who have finances under control are also more productive and have fewer health problems.

 The first step in making a financial plan is to gather all the information about your financial life, such as current account statements, investments, purchase invoices, proof of income, debts, taxes, insurance, etc.

 Also raise your heritage, the installments that need to be paid and also the debts. Compare the interest rates you are paying with those practiced in the market for possible debt renegotiations. If you have any investments, analyze the profitability and if the risk is in line with your investor profile.

 What is your goal?

 After analyzing your financial and asset situation, the best part has come. Put on a list everything you want to achieve in the medium and long term. Include the amounts and time frame and make sure they are realistic.

 You will need to analyze monthly if the reality corresponds to what you planned. Set short and long-term goals to meet and be able to pay off debts and save money.

 Don't take a step bigger than your leg

 Or rather, live according to your standard of living. If you buy a car that consumes 50% of your income, you will live in debt and be unhappy. Living on appearances, or flaunting something you can't afford, isn't something that holds up in the long run.

 How about starting to invest?

 You can choose to save money in savings, invest in Treasury Direct or make a consortium, which is a simple and practical way to make an investment. In a consortium, you just choose the plan that best suits your budget and pay the monthly installments WITHOUT INTEREST!

 Avoid these mistakes

 ·         Take small expenses into account. It may seem that spending $ 5.00 here or there makes no difference, but this amount can greatly impact the accounts at the end of the month.

·         Differentiate need from desire. Do you really need to buy those pants or cut your hair right now?

·         Make a head count. You won't be able to control everything you spend just in your head. It is necessary to use spreadsheets or applications to have financial control.

·         Make sure that unforeseen happens. How about leaving a part of your income for possible emergencies? If that amount is not used in the month, save it for the next month. Will your car break down or does your dog get sick? Without planning, you can fall into overdraft or take out a loan and go into debt.


How about starting a programmed savings through the consortium? Enjoy and do a simulation .

 Share this information with your friends on social media and help spread the good news.